Terms and Conditions

Please read the following terms, conditions, and declarations carefully before using the electronic platform (Thro), registering or ordering through the application, as by agreeing to them, you confirm your acceptance and approval of these terms, conditions, and declarations, and to comply with their provisions.; This agreement is considered the argument between the two parties and the document governing their dealings. We hope that you will read it carefully and carefully before filling out the registration application.


  • Provider / service provider or store:
    It is the entity registered on the platform to provide the product or service.
  • Thro Agent / Middleman / Agent:
    The registered agent (the middleman between the providers and the beneficiaries. And the authorized person on the platform to submit a price offer for the service required by the customer) from the stores or the service provider.
  • Users / Clients / Customer:
    People who order products or services from thro agent / Middleman.
  • The Platform/ Application / Thro: 
    Thro Application


Acknowledgments: Agent / User / Service Provider / Store

First: - The Thro Agent acknowledges that these controls and conditions are a formal agreement "contract" between the platform and the clients who use the platform, which is an electronic platform that allows Agents to benefit from their relationships with stores or service providers by facilitating the purchase process for The Clients or access to service providers. Where the platform provides the opportunity for the client to choose the appropriate Agents.

Second: - The Thro Agent acknowledges his knowledge and observance of all terms and conditions that are compatible with e-commerce laws and regulations, and acknowledges his full responsibility to take all necessary information and inputs in using the platform, and the knowledge and awareness of these terms, conditions, and declarations in addition to the conditions. and other applicable provisions, and compliance with them.

Third: - The Thro agent acknowledges his full understanding that his role in the services he provides: Presenting an appropriate offer to the customer with the specifications required by the customer and the pricing method subject to the following (for example but not limited to):

  • The price of the product / service required by the customer is determined on the platform, then the Thro Agent submits the final offer to the platform after determining the previously agreed upon commission rate with the owner of the store / service, then the price is presented (after adding the platform fee, plus the delivery value, if any) to the customer Through the offers icon presented by the Thro Agent to the customer, the customer has the right to review all the offers submitted to him and Provider / service provider or store It is the entity registered on the platform to provide the product or service Thro Agent / Middleman / Agent The registered agent (the middleman between the providers and the beneficiaries. And the authorized person on the platform to submit a price offer for the service required by the customer) from the stores or the service provider Users / Clients / Customer People who order products or services from thro agent / Middleman The Platform/ Application / Thro Thro Application accept the appropriate offer before starting to submit the request, and the customer’s acceptance of the offer submitted to him is considered a commitment from him to pay the value of the product / service. (The Thro platform reserves the full value) until it is confirmed that it is completed as described in the payment section.

Fourth: - The broker agreed that the platform (Thro platform) is due for each sale of 20% twenty percent of the Agent's percentage, which is called the commission of the service provider's endeavor to link between the Thro agent, the customer, and the store.

Fifth: - The two parties agreed that the platform would reserve the entire value of the order transferred by the customer (represented) by the value of the commodity; As a guarantee that the product will arrive in the condition requested by the customer, and all amounts related to the Thro Agent will be disbursed within 30 working days after confirming that the product has reached the customer.

Sixth: - The Thro agent / customer / service provider / store acknowledges his full responsibility for all the information he provides, or that is uploaded to the platform, and that includes without limitation the digital entries, product specifications, or uploaded documents, which the subscriber must verify its accuracy and update. Thus, everyone acknowledges that all information provided by him is accurate and up-to-date. He agrees to keep this information accurate and up-to-date. And when there is a breach of these terms and conditions or the issuance of fraudulent or forged documents, everyone is subject to the necessary penalties and legal procedures in accordance with the provisions of the clause (suspension and termination) below and other relevant regulations.

Seventh: - The thro agent / customer / service provider / store acknowledges his full responsibility for his own account on the Thro platform and acknowledges and guarantees that he is the only user of the account, and accordingly all account activities are legally binding on the Agent as the account holder. Everyone also acknowledges that the platform has the right to verify and evaluate the integrity of the specifications and documents uploaded by everyone on the platform and that the platform has the right to reject any requests that are incomplete, inaccurate, contain fraudulent or forged information, and that the platform has the right to delay the completion of the process Required for further evaluation of the integrity of documents and specifications or in the event of technical difficulties, in addition to the right of the service provider to accept / reject / cancel any requests or Contracts submitted or issued without prior notice.

Eighth: The store / service provider acknowledges in advance that the full responsibility for the quality of the product or service or not, and its conformity with the specifications required by the customer, lies exclusively with the store / service provider, and the customer has the right to claim damages.